Internet video comedy begins with the Dramatic Prairie Dog, Chipmunk, Squirrel. And that is what starts out Watch this video and forever be amused. This viral video never ever gets old. Widely circulated since June of 2007. If you want to see the origins of this little phenom, then strap in your seatbelt and watch the video below:

Origins of the Dramatic Prairie Dog, Chipmunk, Squirrel:

Joseph C. of Philadelphia, USA sums it up:

I love videos of animals, especially funny ones, and this video is short but great. You will find yourself playing this over and over to see this little creature’s face! This is a very short video, four seconds to be exact, but the triumph shown in this little Prairie Dog is great! After watching the video you won’t be sure what caused this guy to have such a face but it doesn’t matter. He is just adorable and cute as he turns around and gives you this look! The look is so intense that you can’t help but laugh at this little guy!

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